Yes! Staging Works!

Photo of staged kitchen

This summer I saw an amazing example of how effective staging a vacant home can be. If you’re debating the merits of staging your property, whether currently on the market or still in planning, consider this example.

The property in question had been listed for lease in February at $3800 per month. It languished on the market for six months, dropping in price to $3650 in the meantime.

In August the seller listed with a different agent asking $3900 per month. It leased for $3750 in less than 30 days!

After sitting vacant for six months, at a loss of $22,500, what changed? Besides the new agent, the whole look of the property changed! The new listing agent brought in a professional stager, who added furniture, and hired a top-rated photographer who showcased the new decorating gorgeously.

The cost? At over $1000, was it steep, or cheap?. Compare that to the $22,500 lost while seeking a tenant and it comes out looking like a bargain.

This is only one example, and could easily be an anomaly. However, having watched this process repeat over and over, I’m firmly convinced that the cost of a highly professional stager, photographer and broker will be vastly offset by the increased purchase price and/or the rapidity of the sale.

After all, would you rather sell in 30 days, or six months? And would you prefer more money, or less?

Who you hire as your agent really does matter!

Photo by Sidekix Media on Unsplash