Home Improvement Projects For The Upcoming Spring Season

Spring is the hottest season in the real estate market. If your home is in need of some improvements before selling, now is the right time. Or, even if you aren’t selling, some seasonal DIY projects can bring something new to your own enjoyment of your home.

Something that will always help sell your home is a fresh coat of paint. And if you have the time, it doesn’t require contractors. Painting is relatively easy and only takes a couple hours to learn online even if you’ve never done it before. Or maybe you aren’t selling, and simply want a new look for the spring season. In that case, pastel greens, blues, and creams are good spring colors. If you have a garden, a project that will only take up a weekend of your time is building DIY planters. Many planters are made of wood, but stone planters are more durable. Building a stone planter just requires four slabs of stone such as granite or marble, one to two tubes of stone adhesive, a ruler, and cement tape. All you need to do is make sure the slabs are positioned correctly with the aid of a ruler, apply adhesive to the inside edges, and use cement tape to hold it together while the adhesive dries. Something more on the fun than practical side is bird seed rings, which are a treat for birds, and for yourself if you enjoy feeding them. They are made by combining gelatin, corn syrup, and flour into a paste, mixing that with a bag of bird seed, then using a donut pan to mold them into a ring shape. You can then hang them outside where they will attract birds.

Photo by Felipe Lopez on Unsplash